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All About Microplastics
Sara Hayes writes about the effects microplastics can have on the environment and our health.
USPS - Delivering the Future
Faith Manuel reports the current USPS crisis and what we can do to mitigate it.
Presidential Debate Recap #1
Maia Lisiecki summarizes the debate in a short, easy-to-read format for those who could not watch it live or chose not to.
The Pros and Cons of Hemp Plastic
An anonymous contributor offers an explanation on what is hemp plastic, why it's good and why it's not already commonly used.
The Racist History of Redlining
Maia Lisiecki reports on the racial discrimination many African Americans, as well as other minorities, have faced with housing.
Poland's Problem with the LGBT Community
An anonymous guest contributor gives us details on the situation of the Polish treatment on its LGBT residents.
World Water Crisis (English & Spanish)
Alessandra Bowen delivers her side of the world's water crisis and what we can do to help those affected by it.
Air Pollution in Mongolia
Lindsay Wong reports the current air pollution problem in Mongolia.
A Sticky Situation: Gum Pollution
Nicole Nguyen writes about the snowballed effect chewing-gum litter can have on our cities. She provides a course of action we can take.
The Downside of Denim
Risha Chaurasia details in on the destruction denim production leads to and what we can do to mitigate it.
Temporary Styles, Permanent Consequences
Writer Faith Manuel explains the environmental impacts fast fashion can have. She also provides us alternatives to fast fashion.
Movies and Shows that Introduce You to Green-Thinking
Sydney Jacobs recommends some fun and environmentally-friendly shows and movies!
The Acidification of Our Oceans
Writer Maia Lisiecki offers an informative approach on ocean acidification.
Latest Oil Spill Contaminates Indian Ocean (Eng. & Korean ver)
Editor-in-chief Nicole Nguyen reports the devastating oil spill that has wreaked havoc on Mauritius.
India Submerged by Powerful Floods
Writer Risha Chaurasia provides details of the horrors of the floods terrorizing India. *Donation site links at bottom.*
Small but Significant Steps (English & Spanish)
Writer Alessandra Bowen talks about small acts we can do to help the environment.
Lebanon Rocked by Economic Collapse and Explosion
Editor-in-chief Nicole Nguyen keys in on the Beirut explosion.
Immigration Fees Rise, Asylum Seekers Now Pay Fee (English and Korean ver.)
Writer Faith Manuel provides details on the new rise in immigration fees.
Climate: A War to be Won
Writer Risha Chaurasia delivers her take on climate change.
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