USPS - Delivering the FutureFaith Manuel reports the current USPS crisis and what we can do to mitigate it.
Presidential Debate Recap #1Maia Lisiecki summarizes the debate in a short, easy-to-read format for those who could not watch it live or chose not to.
Poland's Problem with the LGBT CommunityAn anonymous guest contributor gives us details on the situation of the Polish treatment on its LGBT residents.
World Water Crisis (English & Spanish)Alessandra Bowen delivers her side of the world's water crisis and what we can do to help those affected by it.
Latest Oil Spill Contaminates Indian Ocean (Eng. & Korean ver)Editor-in-chief Nicole Nguyen reports the devastating oil spill that has wreaked havoc on Mauritius.
India Submerged by Powerful FloodsWriter Risha Chaurasia provides details of the horrors of the floods terrorizing India. *Donation site links at bottom.*
Lebanon Rocked by Economic Collapse and ExplosionEditor-in-chief Nicole Nguyen keys in on the Beirut explosion.
Immigration Fees Rise, Asylum Seekers Now Pay Fee (English and Korean ver.)Writer Faith Manuel provides details on the new rise in immigration fees.